Thursday, November 04, 2010

Genting Trailblazer 2010 - continues

We arrived Genting Awana by 2.30pm on Sat 30 Oct 2010. Registration started at 3pm. Thank goodness we were the 1st few coz the queue got longer and longer. It was kind of a mess at the registration counter. I dun want to get to it...coz that steers up my angry hormones...and that's not good!

Items on the goodies bag

The PAIN starts
We were flag off at 840am after the men's team (815am)and female team (8.30am) Leon and Greg were in the men's team. Our mission was to overtake them and come back 1st before them in de race :P

As you can see... we were front liners... de kiasu lot!!
The First 3KM run
The run started off wif a 3km run off road...where the road was steep and winding and lots of pebbles.

The road started of a little down hill...about 20 degree steepness...den it got steeper. It was by the 1st 200 meters or so i felt sick!! the air was thin...i wasn't breathing properly...i tried to slow myself down but the slops kept forcing me down hill even more. And the pebbles didn make it much easier.

At dat time Julian was prob 5 feet away frm me... and he was calling out for me. See pic above... Julian was turning his head to see if i was still behind him...LOL. Sorry Julian i couldn answer u dat time...breathing was upside down...

After that stretch...we then reached to a tar road...passing by the golf course. the weather was very good that morning. Sun was blaring at us...but it was lovely. ( i rmmb hearing Julian shouting out " i love the sun"). Now by the 1st km i manage to regain my breathing momentum. But Julian now was more than 10 feet away from me. I got a lot of catching to do.

GPS gurl!!! GPS GPS

As we were running we saw 2 couples tied to each other. my expression was like WOW...
the guy was leading while the gul behind him (partner) was tailing behind with the rope tied between them. they were both equally fast!

Then there was this one guy who passed us and kept telling everybody else he meets dat his partner is still in de hotel room sleeping...WHAT?


The Trail Road
Finally after all the uphills and the downhills...we finally reached the trail. I was hoping for a water station (like last year) but there were none. Opps

Small we headed off to the trail....I went totally hysterical when i saw the was like second nature to me. All i did was run run run and run some more. There was no looking back anymore for me. (Julian says like no license) If the 3km we lost out to a few couples...we definitely overtook them hands down in the trail... There were no stopping as there were no way we could stop...the trail was steep...really really really steep. At one point the slope came to a 90%. When we arrived, there were a hand full of people jz stopped and jz stared at the slope... haha. Me being the daredevil...i took the plunge down like a superhero...kekeke... m jz exaggerating nia. The safest way was to squat down low or jz glide down on your bum.

the trail was approx 10km...
Most of the climbs were real steep, muddy and slippery that ropes were needed to pull our tired body up!! (gloves is essential)
Most of the slopes we also muddy and slippery that we had to depend on the tree trunk/branches for breaks!!! is like down down down...hold the tree trunk stop...den again down down tree trunk...Human oso can la...haha. Any wrong footing then u may fall or twist ur ankle! So a lot a agility needed (Agility is the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, endurance and stamina.) I thank my daily BodyCombat session for that!!!
Oh...have i come to the part where we were the noisiest couple in de group!!! i could only hear Julian voice calling me...and den wheneva i'm leading the slopes...i will be calling for him... I kinda like it. It's like releasing the pain from within. I do that most of the time...even during classes. Sometimes i shout...sometimes its jz fake to get the class motivated but at times its to release tension and also pain!!
My fav verse : "scream if it hurt... but dun you quit!!!" 
I can assure you...we were really noisy. Because Y?
An uncle came up to Julian and told him to keep his breath for the race/climb!! opps i guess the uncle got irritated that his partner not so caring as Julian!! wahaha. 
Julian what did u answer the uncle... " i like to shout ar.. i feel good doin it" haha is like (I DUN CARE)
And i'm loving it!!!
Pretty much reached the 10th KM...we came to 2 river wif beautiful waterfalls. (alas no time to enjoy) The rocks were slippery... and this was where Julian slipped and ( kababoom!! on his right thigh) oh but he got up real quick... Our trail shoes were not made for rocks!! Also...the water was freezing cold...and we heard one of the participant telling another not to touch the water...(i guess if our feet touches the water..our muscles will shrink wua making it harder to move?)
After the waterfall...the climb got so so tough that every step that i took i yelled!! Y...pain la!! Fatigue was setting in... my mind says move...but the leg jz refused!!! ARRRRrrrrr...
Then came the man made HUGE steps... worst then de ones in batucaves wei!!!
Aiyo...i hate steps especially man made!! but what lies above the steps was the long awaited water station...
So up i climb...dat time Julian was no where to be seen......

TO BE CONTINUE..... the obstacles were next

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